Josh sketching data map in truck

Taking a quick break from mapping a project
Watch this overview of the Data Mapping process. How it can benefit your project.
</p> <h4><b>Level-C Single Layer Scaled Drawing</b></h4> <p>

</p> <h4><b>Level-C Single Layer Scaled Drawing</b></h4> <p>

Underground Utility Data Mapping Service
- field data
- field sketches
- notes
- drawings
- test pit forms
Underground Utility Data Mapping Options
Utilities Search will attempt to preserve utility information revealed during the utility investigation according to the client’s budget and desired level of detail. When more specific location detail is required, our Underground Utility Data Mapping Service is implemented. Utilities Search, Inc provides Level-A, Level-B, and Level-C Data Mapping Service.
- Level-A — Multi-Layered Survey/CAD Drawing File
- Level-B — Tie down utility markings to client provided site plan.
- Level-C — Single Layer Color-Coded Scaled Drawing
Subsurface Equipment & Software used
- Auto CADD
- Micro Station v8
- Terra Model
- Carlson 3d
- ArcGIS
- Top Con Robotics
- Trumbar Robotics
More Services
Utility Locating • Utility Designating
If you are in the initial design or civil engineering phase of your project we will locate underground utilities using electromagnetic, geophysical and sonic methods to locate underground utilities and structures.
Air Vacuum Excavation Test Pitting
Air excavation provides us a non-invasive and non-destruction excavation system. After we designate and locate the underground utilities, air vacuum excavation test pitting allows us to precisely determine the exact location and depth of the buried utility cable, tank or structure. The excavation is able to expose utility lines with complete safety. The test pit is usually an 8” by 8” cut. The air probe breaks up the soil and the vacuum system uncovers the utility. Soil and surface cover is restored to its original condition.